A unique installation dedicated to the first 11 chapters of Genesis has found its permanent home inside of the Vatican Museums Collection of Contemporary Art.
'It's a re-Creation that tells the story of the modern-day man and woman. They are not the ideal human beings, they aren't created by an artist, they represent all of us with our limitations. We are the ones that create our own story and thanks to our story we can recite it before the mystery of creation.â?
The modern art piece is appropriately titled 'In the beginning and afterâ? or 'In Principio e poi.â? The artwork has been catered to address the themes in a biblical narrative of the Creation of the universe and of man. It is perhaps one of the first times that you can look and touch. Nevertheless, the spectator is encouraged to touch the images as they appear on the four projector screens.
'For me, it's a particularly important message because it's the first video installation art exhibition in the Vatican Museum that communicates the fact the Museum is still alive and continues to transform itself.â?
The art installation is composed of three vertical and one horizontal pillar. The onlooker is asked to touch the characters that live in the form of projections. Each person tells a story, in either words or in figures, from people living within a constriction of space and time, such as prisoners and those with a verbal limitation like the deaf.
President, Pontifical Council for Culture
'Everyone, even children, can come to this art exhibition and understand the message. Through a language that is a language of images, of words, and above all the image of beauty.â?
Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello, president of the Governorate of Vatican City State, and Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, the director of the Vatican Museums Antonio Paolucci and the curator of the Collection Micol Forti were all in attendance.