SUMMARY: The pope's third week in the hospital

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Pope Francis' third week in the hospital got off on the wrong foot. The pope suffered a double respiratory crisis and another bronchospasm. It was the second such episode in just three days, and the third in two weeks.

A few days later, the pontiff wanted to send a message of thanks to all those who were praying for him. It was a 27-second message that caused concern because of the enormous difficulty the pontiff had in pronouncing two sentences.

I thank you with all my heart for your prayers for my health from the square. I accompany you from here. May God bless you and the Virgin take care of you. Thank you.

This audio was released in St. Peter's Square before praying the rosary that the faithful perform every day for the health of the pontiff. For many of them it was exciting to hear his voice again.

Oh yes, it was very moving to listen to him, his voice was a little bit cracked… but well, we have faith and we support his health through the holy rosary. May it be God's decision, but well, I want him to continue.

Nevertheless, there was also good news. On Saturday the doctors reported for the first time that the pope was responding well to therapy. Although they continued to make no future predictions, it was the first time they noted that the treatment was working.

During those last days of the week the pope maintained a solid diet. He continued to perform respiratory and motor physiotherapy. He also continued to receive high-flow oxygen and used noninvasive mechanical ventilation at night.


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