Pope Francis did not spend even spend a full 12 hours in Milan. It was a brief but intense trip that began here, in the 'White Houses,â? a complex of buildings from the 70s with 477 houses. They are small houses that now inhabit a mix of elderly people and immigrants of different nationalities.
In Milan, the cradle of luxury and fashion, Pope Francis chose this popular neighborhood to visit. The neighbors showed him their joy to see him arrive in the popemobile.
Pope Francis visited two of the apartments.
'Mamma mia. Holy, holy, holy. This is our tradition, we give milk and fruits to the guests.'
He was received in the house of this Muslim family. Karem, his wife Hanene, and their three children demonstrated all their hospitality and made several gifts for Pope Francis.
'You're good, huh?'
'Thank you.'
'You are good. Thank you.'
'There are 99 names.'
'The name of God. God is Powerful.'
'All the adjectives.'
'It's a gift from my family to you.'
After the corresponding official photos and the gifts that the pope gave them, he could not miss out on the traditional selfie.
Pope Francis reached the house of the Oneta family as he crossed through one of the corridors full of cheers and signs of affection for him. Nuccio waited for him, but Adele, his wife, could not receive him at her house because she was hospitalized. However this was not enough to stop a blessing from the pope.
'Mrs. Adele? Good Morning. How are you? How do you feel? Not very good. It's the pain, eh? You need to laugh at the pain and move on, huh? May the Lord ... That's it ... Offer the Lord the pains, eh? I give you a blessing, eh? Can I give you the blessing? May God the Almighty bless you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Pray for me, please. Do not forget, huh? I send you a hug, a hug. Thank you.'
He repeated the official photos in this house and continued his visit in Milan after leaving an unforgettable memory in this neighborhood on the outskirts of the city.