Prelate of Opus Dei Javier Echevarría, dies

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Javier Echevarrí­a has died in Rome tonight at 9:20 pm, after a respiratory failure. He was the Prelate of Opus Dei. 

Echevarrí­a was born in Madrid (Spain) in 1932. He personally met the founder of Opus Dei, St. Josemaria Escrivá. He was also his secretary for many years. 

In 1994 he was elected as prelate of Opus Dei, and John Paul II ordained him bishop. 

For years he encouraged members of Opus Dei to try to find God in their 'ordinary lifeâ?, in their everyday life. They have also promoted hundred of charities, schools and universities for people from all economic backgrounds, in all continents. 

He knew Rome Reports since the news agency started operating in 2003. He appreciated the idea of offering video news that helps people understand the Pope and the Catholic Church. 

According to official data, Opus Dei has around 95,000 members all over the world. 

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