Pope's General Audience: A family with love and faith can transform an entire city

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(-VIDEO ONLY-) In his weekly general audience, Pope Francis talked about the power of love and faith within the family. Reflecting on today's Gospel readings, the Pope highlighted that family unity can overcome the 'impersonalism and spiritual aridity' that's seen in so many societies. 


Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

In our continuing catechesis on the family, today we reflect on the importance of families for spreading the faith, and in this way helping to build a more human society.  Jesus, while affirming the primacy of faith in God, describes his disciples as brothers, sisters and mothers to him.

In the Christian life, these family ties are transformed and enlarged; as spiritual fathers and mothers, as brothers and sisters to one another, and particularly to those in need, we bring the Fatherâ??s love to our world.  In this way, we become a blessing, a sign of hope for the renewal of all social relations.  Within families, faith becomes a powerful force for unity and love, and inspires a convincing witness to the Gospel.  

How important is this witness in our societies, so often marked by impersonalism and spiritual aridity!  Let us pray for our families, and for all families, that, like the wine of the wedding feast of Cana, they may bring happiness, joy and the warmth of Godâ??s love to our world.

I greet the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in todayâ??s Audience, including those from Sweden, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Japan, Malaysia and the United States of America.  Upon all of you, and your families, I invoke an abundance of joy and peace in the Lord Jesus.  God bless you all!


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