During his General Audience, Pope Francis explained the relationship between faith in Jesus and the demands of the Mosaic Law.
Reflecting on St. Paul's letter to the Galatians, the Pope stated that the Mosaic Law served a “pedagogical function,”reminding us of our need for salvation which is realized through the coming of Christ.
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
In our continuing catechesis on the Letter to the Galatians, we have seen how Saint Paul teaches that faith in Jesus Christ brings a spiritual freedom that liberates believers from the demands of the Mosaic Law.
For the Apostle, the Law served a “pedagogical” function; as a merciful gift of God, it demanded obedience to his commandments, while at the same time pointing to the reality of our sinfulness and need for salvation.
With the coming of Christ and his redeeming grace, the Law finds its fulfillment in the Gospel message of new life and freedom in the Spirit.
I cordially greet the English-speaking faithful. May these tranquil summer days be for you and your families a special time of grace and spiritual renewal.
God bless you!