At his General Audience, Pope Francis reflected on the role of Mosaic Law, continuing his catechesis on the Letter of St .Paul to the Galatians.
The Pope presented two different ways of living under the Law: before and after Jesus' death and resurrection.
'There is one attitude before the coming of Jesus, and another one afterward. The previous history is determined by being “under the Law.” And one who followed the path of the Law was saved, justified; the subsequent history, after the coming of Jesus, was to be lived by following the Holy Spirit.'
He explained the pedagogical function of the Law, which he said is not simply a set of restrictions, but a guide to Christ. He encourages us to reflect on the value of the Law and on our awareness of having received the grace of being children of God.
'How do I live? In the fear that if I do not do this, I will got to hell? Or do I live with that hope too, with that joy of the gratuitousness of salvation in Jesus Christ? It is a good question. And also the second: do I disregard the Commandments? No. I observe them, but not as absolutes, because I know that it is Jesus Christ who justifies me.'
After his catechesis, Pope Francis expressed his closeness to the elderly, the sick, newlyweds and young people.