"No one walks alone. The Church is missionary and in mission, she finds unity"

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During his catechesis on the 'passion to evangelize,' Pope Francis reflected on what Jesus asked of the disciples before sending them out to preach.

The Pope said that Jesus told them to go 'with simplicity and humility, unattached to material goods and in community. No one walks alone. The Church is missionary, and in the mission, she finds her unity.'


Dear brothers and sisters:

In our continuing catechesis on apostolic zeal, the desire to share with others the joy of the Gospel, we now consider the calling of the twelve apostles, whom Jesus chose “to be with him and to be sent out to proclaim the Good News” (Mk 3:14).

Both aspects of that call are essential, for only by closeness to Jesus do we learn to proclaim him and not ourselves, his word and not our own. As Jesus sends the apostles forth on mission, he tells them to share the gift that they themselves received, the unmerited gift of God’s redeeming love. Their message must be his own: that the kingdom of God is at hand and requires only that we receive it with open hearts.

Jesus also tells the apostles that they are sent forth like sheep among wolves, to propose the Gospel above all by their witness of meekness, innocence and personal conviction, proclaiming Christ more by their actions than by their words.

The Church, as “apostolic”, is entirely missionary; each of us, in Baptism, is called by Jesus to live in closeness to him and to be sent forth, in union with all our brothers and sisters, to bear witness to his Gospel before the world.

I extend a warm welcome to the English-speaking pilgrims taking part in today’s Audience, especially those from England, Vietnam and the United States of America. Upon all of you, and upon your families, I invoke the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you!

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