Belgium recorded unprecedented figures regarding euthanasia: nearly 3,500 cases in 2023. That is, of the people who died that year, 3 out of 10 requested to die by this practice.
This country was the second in the European Union to legalize euthanasia in 2002, and since then, cases have increased by 1,200%, going from 259 in its first year to twelve times that number in just two decades.
In fact, initially, only terminally ill patients were eligible to request it, but since 2014, minors and, for example, people with Alzheimer's or serious mental illnesses, have also been included.
ADF International (Vienna)
At a certain age, or if you have a certain disease, if you have a certain problem, even. In Belgium right now, even a depression could be a cause to request euthanasia. It's something where people feel like “I have to do this because that's what society expects of me”.
This leads many to see euthanasia as the only way out. Therefore, the Church has advocated for strengthening the social environment, on the one hand, to make the illness more bearable, and also to prevent the patient's psychological collapse.
We know that, when there is humane, calm, and participatory support, the seriously ill chronic patient or the terminally ill person perceives this request. Even in these difficult circumstances, if the person feels loved, respected, and accepted, the negative shadow of euthanasia disappears or becomes almost nonexistent.
President, Pontifical Academy for Life
Globalization is very technological but not very human. That's why I believe people must be educated about life stages, their problems, and how essential human relationships are.
And doctors agree on this too. About 400 were at the Vatican in 2018 to discuss this delicate issue. And they agreed on many points…
For example, that in surveys, when a terminally ill patient is asked about euthanasia, the vast majority reject it.
MD Anderson Cancer Center (USA)
If you were in pain and tired; couldn't work; couldn't drive or go watch a soccer game… All the things you do… Would you want to live? 60% to 65% say no. On the other hand, when we look at patients who are really ill, the percentage is 3%.
In Europe, eight countries have laws that allow euthanasia, including Spain and Germany. In Colombia, for example, it has been considered a constitutional right since 1998.
It is also necessary to differentiate, as many states do, between euthanasia, which is administered by healthcare personnel, and assisted suicide, in which the drug can be administered by another person, even the patient themselves.
This is the case in the United States, where euthanasia is not legal, but assisted suicide is permitted in some states when the life expectancy is six months or less. That is what is practiced in Washington, California, and Colorado.