It's no secret that the Vatican continues to mediate for the release or exchange of prisoners between Russia and Ukraine. Zelensky himself stated this publicly on March 14.
The Holy See has received a list of Ukrainians held in Russian prisons and camps. We count on your help to free them.
The Embassy to the Holy See notes that the Vatican's diplomatic and humanitarian assistance is important for many Ukrainian families - not only for the prisoner exchange, but also for the mission being carried out by Cardinal Matteo Zuppi.
Ambassador of Ukraine accredited to the Holy See
The mission of Cardinal Zuppi is concentrated on helping Ukranian children which were stolen by Russia or taken away from Ukrainian territory to Russia or Belarus, as well and returning the prisioners.
For Ukrainians whose relatives are on the front lines, the tension is constant. They fear the death of their loved ones or them being taken prisoner. That's why the Vatican's influence has been so important to them, and they have even cried before the Pope, asking him to intercede for their husbands, brothers, and sons.
You are our last hope. We hope you can save their lives. Please don't let them die.
The Ambassador himself has a son on the front lines and says it's a very tough experience.
Ambassador of Ukraine accredited to the Holy See
He is right now the youngest member of parliament Ukrainian and he consciously decided from the immediate, from the first day of war… he decided to go to the army to defend his own country, and surely it's not very easy because sometimes we are, for several days, out of communication with him when he is going to the front line. He can use the mobile phone,
and we are out of the possibility to ask him some questions to receive immediately response from his side.
Amid these circumstances, the Ambassador highlights the enormous tact the Pope has shown him in each of the meetings they have held over the past three years.
Ambassador of Ukraine accredited to the Holy See
And, by the way, you was asking me very often about position of the Holy Father, his personal… and I would tell you very sincerely that I am always inspired by the position of the Holy Father each time, when we have the possibility to meet, even very briefly.
He always making a stop and asking me, “How is your son?” He remember in any circumstances and he tells always: “I'm praying for him. Please pass him my blessing”. So it's very touching… The personal measure, the personal expression of the Pope's attitude. Not just for me. Not just for my family. But for the whole Ukrainian people.
Although there have been some gestures from the Pope in the past that have displeased the Ukrainian government, the Ambassador points out that the Pope is the leader who has most denounced the aggression his country has suffered.
Once again, some powerful ruler, sadly caught up in anachronistic claims of nationalist interests, is provoking and fomenting conflicts, whereas ordinary people feel the need to build a future that will either be shared, or not be at all.
Ambassador of Ukraine accredited to the Holy See
I think no other world leaders mentioned Ukraine so many times like Pope Francis. Every week in his Angelus, every Sunday, in his address and… to join the General Audience, Pope Francis always emphasizing and asking to pray for Ukraine.
In fact, since the war began, in each of his weekly public appearances, the Pope has asked for prayers for peace in Ukraine. The dramatic situation even caused his voice to crack at one public event.