From the hospital, on March 11, the Pope approved the holding of a new synodal meeting in 2028. Its objective will be to evaluate whether the measures approved at the last assembly, in 2024, have been implemented.
What Pope Francis signed at Gemelli is a calendar for the next three years. It is a work plan that will begin with the local Churches, continue through national and international conferences, and eventually reach the Vatican.
On the day the final document was voted on, the Pope announced that he would make no changes; that the text would become papal magisterium.
I wish to acknowledge the value of the synodal journey undertaken, which I entrust to the holy faithful people of God through this document.
In addition to the 155 points in the document, there are ten topics that the Pope requested be studied separately. He created 10 working groups to address these topics, which are delving into issues such as the female diaconate, polygamy, seminaries, and different forms of ministry.