First photo of Pope Francis in the hospital after more than 30 days of hospitalization

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This is the first image of Pope Francis in the hospital after 31 days. The pope concelebrated Mass in the chapel in his apartment at Gemelli Hospital.

It was the final touch to a week in which there were no respiratory crises or bronchospasms and in which the pontiff's body was responding well to pharmacological therapy.

The Pope had a quiet week. From the hospital he listened to the spiritual exercises given by the preacher of the pontifical house. The preacher did not miss the opportunity to recall that Francis, in those days, was celebrating 12 years of papacy.

Preacher of the Papal Household

That 12, as we said, is a round number of plenitude, and we can truly thank God because Pope Francis's gift to the Church and the world is fulfilled. It is undoubtedly a way of fully expressing ourselves in this twelfth year.

So far, no images of the pontiff had been distributed. Only the audio that Pope Francis wanted to make known to the faithful to thank them for the affection received in recent weeks.

I thank you with all my heart for your prayers for my health from the square. I accompany you from here. May God bless you and the Virgin take care of you. Thank you.

This audio was the first proof of life for the pontiff since he was admitted to the hospital, but it also revealed his deteriorating condition.

Now, however, the situation seems to be improving, although the doctors, at the end of the fourth week, still did not indicate when they estimate that Francis will be able to leave the Gemelli.


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