Cardinal Kevin Farrell, prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity and the Family, is the key person in case Pope Francis' health worsens. In his hands is the letter of resignation in the face of a possible permanent inability to govern, which Jorge Mario Bergoglio has left signed.
Expert in Canon Law
He foresaw a future circumstance, knowing how delicate his health was. Because let's remember that the Pope has been operated twice on his lungs. He has had repeated relapses of his health during his bishopric, even in Buenos Aires… foreseeing a future hypothesis of that, (and following the steps of Paul VI, who also seems to have taken that decision), he presented his letter of resignation to the camarlengo.
The Code of Canon Law, the legislation of the Church, provides for the possibility that the Pope is not qualified to govern.
Expert in Canon Law
Imagine that the pope needs mechanical assisted ventilation of such a magnitude that he, for example, has to be what is commonly called intubated. I hypothesize, if the doctors come to determine that the pope can no longer breathe by his own means, but needs permanent mechanical assistance, to keep breathing, to be alive… there could be, let's say so, an activation of the Sede Impedida. Because let's remember that being intubated implies that a person is in an induced coma.
In this whole process, Cardinal Kevin Farrell would be in charge of activating the letter of resignation written by the pope. His role as camarlengo is crucial.
Expert in Canon Law
It is superfundamental. Because in a case of Sede Impedida he would be the one authorized to do so. The one who declares that the Church is in Sede Vacante, without the government of the pope, is the camarlengo. He would have… It is a fundamental role.
Born in Ireland 78 years ago, Kevin Farrell is the camarlengo, or chamber assistant to the pope since 2019. He also serves as prefect of the dicastery for Laity, Family and Life within the Vatican.