Never before has Bergoglio, since he became pope, been in hospital for so long. In 2021, it was 10 days. In 2023, he was admitted to Gemelli twice, but between both times, he did not reach 13 days. On this occasion, the Pope has already spent two weeks in hospital.
During this time, a critical episode occurred: when he suffered a serious respiratory crisis and when he had to receive a blood transfusion due to a lack of platelets. The rest of the time, according to the Vatican, the Pope remained in fairly good spirits and even worked from the hospital. He had the beginning of a kidney infection, but it subsided within a few days.
What they have not yet indicated from Gemelli is whether the therapies are working. They say that time is needed.
Pneumonia takes a while to recover. How long will he be here? When will it no longer be necessary to administer hospital therapies.
Doctors also confirmed that the Pope has chronic lung problems and stressed that, although the Pope is in good spirits, he is, by definition, a fragile patient at 88 years old.
The Holy Father, as we have already written in previous press releases, has a chronic pathology which is bronchiectasis, with an asthmatic bronchitis that can have phases of exacerbation. Plus, at the age of 88, it is clear that, by definition, he is a fragile patient.
In fact, if the therapy works, it remains to be seen how weak the Pope will be from the antibiotics and the long hospital stay.