The Pope's message for Lent is dated February 6, meaning it was made before his admission to the hospital.
In it he asks the faithful to make an examination of conscience and overcome what he calls the “temptation to self-referentiality;” or to think that God does not truly forgive one's sins.
He also proposes as an exercise to get to know more closely the reality of a migrant. He says that it can be useful to discover what God asks of us to be better travelers on our way to the Father's house.
This year's Lent begins on March 5 and it is quite likely that the pope will not participate in the celebration of Ash Wednesday, which takes place outside the Vatican.
Last year he participated and asked to take advantage of this liturgical season to get to know himself better and promote a deep personal conversion.
It means looking within and becoming aware of who we really are, removing the masks we often wear, slowing down the rush of our frenzies, embracing life and the truth of ourselves. Life is not an act, and Lent invites us to come down from the stage of make-believe to return to the heart, to the truth of who we are.
Lent is the liturgical season of fasting and penance that serves Christians to prepare for Holy Week.