There are 1,000 pilgrims from the Nordic area of Europe who have traveled to Rome for the Jubilee. This is a very high number, which is striking because, in their own countries, they are in the minority.
This is the case in Norway, where there is just over 3% of a population that is mostly Lutheran. However, the number of Catholics has been increasing in recent decades.
Coadjutor Bishop of Oslo (Norway)
In Norway, the Catholic Church is growing. We have seen significant growth over the past to 20 years, not only in the number of faithful, but also in the number of parishes, priests, baptisms, first communions really on all levels.
These pilgrims came from five countries. They are the members of the Scandinavian Episcopal Conference: Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden. And, for them, being in the Eternal City in the Holy Year was important.
Swedish Pilgrim
It's an amazing feeling. You feel the Central Christianity in the world, and you get a feeling for the church from its roots in history into the future.
Denmark Pilgrim
It's a joyful moment just to see that this door is like going to heaven. The day that we come to heaven is something similar to now.
For many, it was their first Jubilee; others had already been to the Jubilee of 2000 and hope that this will not be the last one they will experience.
Norway Pilgrim
The first time I experienced the Jubilee year was in 2000. So I'm just seeing the growth of faith that has been planted in me. So I'm thanking but also looking forward for the next 25 years and who knows, to 2050 I'll be here again.
But undoubtedly, the strongest moment for them was this: each one with his own intentions, crossing the holy door to obtain forgiveness for all their sins.