Pope Francis began his weekly catechesis by speaking about the childhood of children. He recalled that there are currently hundreds of minors who are forced to submit to work that is not in keeping with their age and asked not to be complicit in these actions:
And when are we? For example, when we buy products that employ the labour of children. How can I eat and dress myself knowing that behind that food or those clothes are exploited children, working instead of going to school?
The audience was packed with children who, together with their parents, were listening to the catechesis. Pope Francis pointed out the importance of giving them a happy childhood, and reminded them that everyone must contribute to this fight.
Some will say that, as individuals, we cannot do much. True, as individuals we cannot do much, but each of us can be a drop that, together with many other drops, can become a sea.
At the end of the audience, the Italian circus Rony Roller put on a show in which Pope Francis also took part in.
After this fun encounter, everyone came forward to greet and have their photo taken with the pope.