The month of October was marked by the final stage of the Synod on Synodality. At its opening, the Pope sought to calm any tensions and called for unity to be maintained.
For months, some sectors of the Church had been on alert. They feared that the result of the Synod would be profound doctrinal changes, such as allowing the ordination of women.
(It is) breaking communion by pitting the hierarchy against the lay faithful. It is certainly not a question of replacing one with the other, excited by the cry, “Now it is our turn”! No, this is not right. Now it is our turn, lay people; now it is our turn, priests… This is not right. Instead, we are asked to practice together a symphonic art.
However, in its final document it was pointed out that the Code of Canon Law already provides for women to occupy important positions in the Church. It would only be necessary to apply them.
The objective of the assembly was to study how to promote a more synodal style in the Church, meaning to make the bishops listen more to the faithful and for the faithful to be more participative.
This Synod also ended in a curious way since the Pope decide to turn the final document of the assembly into the Church's magisterium.
I wish to acknowledge the value of the synodal journey undertaken, which I entrust to the holy faithful people of God through this document.
October was a month of closures at the Vatican. In addition to the Synod, the work on the famous baldachin in St. Peter's Basilica was also completed. The work lasted 9 months and hid Bernini's magnificent work under scaffolding. Since then, it has been shining again.