July at the Vatican began with a consistory to determine the dates of upcoming canonizations. But for perhaps the most famous future saint, Carlo Acutis, Pope Francis decided to wait to announce a date for his canonization.
And despite being his month for vacation, the Pope continued his travels within Italy. This time, he went northeast to Trieste. There, he participated in a conference and warned against certain types of welfare.
Welfarism is the enemy of democracy and the enemy of love for one's neighbor. And certain forms of assistance that do not recognize the dignity of people are social hypocrisy. Let us not forget this.
After returning from this one day trip, the Pope did not stay long in the Vatican. Once again, he made headlines for a little getaway to see his eye doctor in Rome.
And this month, Pope Francis visited the Vatican's summer camp—something that has become an annual tradition.
July ended with 50,000 altar servers braving the Roman heat to listen to the Pope in St. Peter's Square.
If you minister with an attentive mind, heart and body, like Mary, then the mystery of God who is “with you” gives you the ability to be “with others” in a new way.
With the close of this month, Pope Francis returned to his busy schedule of meetings and events and resumed his weekly Wednesday General Audiences.