Hervé Alústiza, singer-songwriter: “It is a way of living the faith and understanding the religious meaning of Christmas”

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Christmas is a very special time of year, especially when it comes to children. These are weeks of loving, magical, and exciting celebrations of the birth of Jesus in the Nativity scene. Hervé Alústiza is a singer-songwriter of children's Christmas books.


The main character of each story experiences a difficulty - there is one who has a broken wing or who gets lost along the way and in the end, when they reach the baby Jesus, He helps them overcome that difficulty. So it is a way of living the faith and of understanding the religious meaning and living with the tenderness of Jesus, but above all, living in Him and with Him.

Hervé started writing stories during Christmas 2020. It all started after he and his son wrote the story And They Ran to Bethlehem as a gift to his wife. It was later published and went on sale. He now has 5 books. The Columbian Dove has just been released:


A gang of children friends play every day and have a great time and share what they have, until one day some archers with arrows of smoke and fire set everything on fire and they have to leave their town. They go into a cave and when they are inside the cave, they are surprised by a strange song: “cucurrucucu!” That is when they discover the wonderful Columbian dove, and we do not know if they will reach Bethlehem, and how and if they will discover some magicians or some star along the way.

Hervé uses the kamishibai method, a Japanese technique in which he tells his stories by combining illustrations and narration. Hervé also uses music. Together with his son Giuseppe, he sings to the children to liven up the readings of the stories.

These are series of stories to enjoy with the family and with which to learn the religious meaning of the birth of the Child on December 25th.

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