Pope Francis delivered his last catechesis on the Holy Spirit and the Church. It was held in the Paul VI Hall before thousands of pilgrims.
In this way, the Pope concluded this cycle, which ended with a reflection on how the Spirit can lead to Jesus.
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
In this final catechesis on the Holy Spirit and the Church, we consider the Spirit as the source of the Church’s hope for the Lord’s return in glory and the fulfillment of his saving plan at the end of time. The New Testament ends with the Spirit and the Bride, the Church, crying out in ardent expectation, “Come, Lord Jesus” (cf. Rev 22:17.20). The Church’s tradition likewise invokes the Spirit with the ancient prayer, “Come, Holy Spirit”, asking that he confirm our trust in Christ’s promises and strengthen us in fidelity to our mission of bearing witness to the hope offered by the Gospel. As Christians, we are called not only to have hope but also to radiate hope, so that all may come to know the Lord and joyfully await the coming of his kingdom of holiness, justice and peace.
I extend a warm welcome to the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience, especially those coming from England and the United States. I pray that each of you and your families may experience a blessed Advent in preparation for the coming, at Christmas, of the newborn Jesus, Son of God and Prince of Peace. God bless you!