Vatican Press Office: “Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms”

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In a closed-door meeting with Italian bishops earlier this month, media reported Pope Francis allegedly used a derogatory term, saying, “There's too much faggotry.”

This was in reference to the doubts he had previously expressed about admiting candidates with same-sex orientation to the seminary.

While there is no official transcript from the Vatican, its Press Office issued a response to the controversial statement. It reiterates the Pope's message that there is “room in the Church for everyone” just as they are. It says:

The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he extends his apologies to those who were offended by the use of a term, reported by others.

This is not the first time Pope Francis has spoken about vocations and same-sex orientation. In a 2018 book interview, the Pope commented on whether it was prudent to admit people with same-sex orientation and how to respond those who are already ordained.

Author, “The Strength of Vocation”
So, what he said is that when there is a person who is homosexual and has been ordained, he asks that the person be meticulous in practicing celibacy. If he is incapable, it is better for him to leave the ministry or the religious life instead of living a double life.

For years, Pope Francis has held his annual meetings with Italian bishops behind closed doors. They used to be public, until the Pope addressed this change.

Are there journalists?
I don't think so. There are no journalists. It's just us, Holiness.
That's good. So I can speak freely.

The Pope has continued to support the Vatican's official stance, approved by his predecessor, Benedict XVI, denying the possibility of admitting people with same-sex orientation to seminaries.


Anuncio en el que salen 3 ordenadores marca Medion y algunas especificaciones
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