Pope Francis' response to a child who asks how he can feel Jesus

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Balloons, banners, red caps and applause—this was how Pope Francis was welcomed by more than 5,000 people present at the doors of Verona's Basilica of St. Zeno for his meeting with youth.

Rather than delivering a speech, the Pope answered three questions addressed to him by the children. This was one of them:

In the Gospel, Jesus calls the disciples to follow him even if they are not perfect. How do we do this in order to feel Jesus' call?

And this is the answer Pope Francis gave them.

Now I ask: when Jesus speaks, how do we feel?
I can't hear, how?
-Good! And so we are able to listen to the call of Jesus, that Jesus makes us feel good, good. And if a person who does not love you comes to you and slaps you twice, how do you feel?
And if the devil comes and says something, how do you feel?
So you have understood well what we feel when Jesus comes and what we feel when something bad is done to us.

But that was not the only concern of the children. Pope Francis was also asked how children can help bring about peace. The Pope told them that Jesus preached with it and it is the path they should follow.

You know that in this world, right now the world is at war, do you know that? There are so many wars, so many wars, whether it is Ukraine, whether it is Holy Land, whether it is Africa, whether it is Myanmar….Many, many wars… And does Jesus preach war or peace?
And what do we want, war or peace?
That is to say, we must be a sign of peace, right?
But if you fight with your classmate, with your schoolmate, will you be a sign of peace?

After the meeting, the Pope greeted many of the children from his wheelchair.


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