In his General Audience, Pope Francis appeared more rested than on Palm Sunday. He arrived with a cane and not in a wheelchair in the Paul VI Audience Hall. The Pope apologized to those present that the Audience had to be moved inside due to the rain.
It's true that you will be a little wet but at least we will be not soaked. Thank you for your patience.
And patience was also the theme of his weekly catechesis. This time, Pope Francis read his speech.
It does not consist of stoic endurance in suffering but is the fruit of a greater love.
Not all the attention was on the Pope during the Audience. He took the opportunity to speak about two men in the front row: one Israeli and one Palestinian. Both have lost their daughters in the conflict in the Holy Land. But Pope Francis emphasized how rather than dividing them, their suffering has brought them together.
Patience is knowing how to endure evils, and here today in this audience are two people, two fathers. They are the first.
Dear brothers, thank you for your testimony.
Even with talk of the conflict in the Holy Land, the atmosphere of the Audience was festive as thousands of students from all over the world participating in a forum called UNIV showed their affection for Pope Francis.