January 21 not only marks the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time but also the Sunday of the Word of God. In an apostolic letter in 2019, Pope Francis dedicated this day to the “celebration, study, and dissemination” of the word of the Lord.
And each year, in celebration of this day, he presides over a Mass at the Vatican and emphasizes the importance of spreading the Gospel.
If salvation is meant for all, even the most distant and lost, then the proclamation of the Word must become the main priority of the Church community, as it was for Jesus. Let us not profess a big-hearted God and be a narrow-hearted Church—this would be, I dare say, a curse.
Pope Francis has asked that Church communities around the world “mark this Sunday with a certain solemnity.” This year's Mass will be held on Sunday, January 21 at 9:30am in St. Peter's Basilica.