Meet the new Secretary General of Church's largest humanitarian aid organization

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In May, Alistair Dutton was elected Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis, the second-largest humanitarian aid organization in the world. He is in charge of coordinating the more than 160 national chapters that make up Caritas.

Dutton chose to make his first trip to Ukraine to show his closeness to the people of the country and to the Caritas volunteers who have been working tirelessly since the invasion began. It is estimated that this war has left 18 million people in need of urgent assistance.

Secretary General, Caritas Internationalis

I think my reflection on the state of things, aside from the military, is just how tired people are with war. Day in day out living with the uncertainty and the insecurity of war is both physically and psychologically tiring and people are traumatized, people are exhausted. And the other observation is that now that has become a way of life. It is part of day to day life for people now.

Dutton's more than 25 years of experience in humanitarian work has taken him to over 70 countries. But what makes Caritas stand out, he says, is that it is a reminder to the Church that love without works is not love.

Secretary General, Caritas Internationalis

Caritas has been my family, my home and my vacation for 27 years.
I think that there is no faith without love and Caritas is that expression of love, of real practical love.

His position as Secretary General will last until 2027 and he has made his priorities very clear. 

Secretary General, Caritas Internationalis

The first here in the office is to be listening to staff and starting to bring together a clearer sense of what our plans will be for the next four years, and how we will work together and what kind of culture and strategy we have for ourselves here. Also, to be working with the members around the world and visiting and expressing our solidarity, but increasing the quality of our cooperation between members.
And really making sure that caritas is an active participant in the global humanitarian system and we can make the biggest differences we can for the people we serve.

Dutton also says it is important to coordinate with other departments of the Vatican and the international humanitarian aid community. 

Caritas Internationalis was established in Germany in 1897 but officially formed in 1951, a few years after World War II. It's formation happened at a significant moment, when the world became more aware of the importance of working together for humanity. Caritas has since worked to respond to emergencies and promote the dignity of the world's most vulnerable people. 



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