One year later: papal trip to Canada was significant on road to healing, reconciliation

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It's been one year since Pope Francis' historic trip to Canada. This 37th apostolic visit was an important step on the path towards healing the relationship between the Indigenous Peoples and the Catholic Church.

During this six day trip, the Pope met with different First Nation groups. And the first thing he did was express his regret for the ways the Church played a role in the abuse and oppression of these Indigenous Peoples.

I am here because the first step of my penitential pilgrimage among you is that of again asking forgiveness, of telling you once more that I am deeply sorry. Sorry for the ways in which, regrettably, many Christians supported the colonizing mentality of the powers that oppressed the Indigenous Peoples. I am sorry.

365 days later, the Canadian Catholic Bishops' Conference says the papal trip was a significant stride towards healing. Following the visit, they wrote 4 pastoral letters on reconciliation with the Indigenous Peoples and initiated Listening Circles across the country to foster dialogue.

The papal trip also made an impact on the wider Church. This past March, the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development published a joint note on the Doctrine of Discovery, rejecting any ideas that neglect the inherent rights of Indigenous Peoples.

To mark this one year anniversary, the Archdiocese of Edmonton produced a video highlighting the Pope's impact and encouraging people on the ongoing process of walking together towards reconciliation.


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