Cardinal Carlos Osorio, the Archbishop of Madrid, presided over the premiere of the original Rome Reports documentary, Francis! The Pope of Surprises, in Spain. The documentary highlights special and personal moments of the ten years of Pope Francis' pontificate.
Archbishop of Madrid
It is extraordinarily beautiful because it manifests what the successor of Peter, Pope Francis, is in concrete realities that he is living and showing. It is not theoretical, but it seems to represent the beauty of the Gospel.
The documentary analyzes the impact of many of Pope Francis' personal encounters. People he has visited in their homes, in prisons or in war-torn countries reveal how he has changed their lives.
Francis! The Pope of Surprises was sponsored by the Dr. Ramón Tallaj Foundation of New York. It's president traveled to Spain for the presentation.
Dr. Ramón Tallan Foundation
It has been very moving. There is not one person there who didn't cry. It shows the reality of the way he interacts with others, how he puts himself in the shoes of the person in front of him at that moment and responds as if it was himself.
The premiere—attended by over 500 people—took place in both Madrid and Barcelona. In the upcoming months, Francis! The Pope of Surprises will broadcast on television stations around the world.