Michelle Duppong: College missionary on the road to being declared Venerable

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In her 31 years, Michelle Duppong impacted the lives of hundreds of college students through her time with the group of Fellowship of Catholic University Students called FOCUS.

She served as a FOCUS missionary for 6 years, leading Bible studies and mentoring students. Those who worked with Michelle say she loved to invest her time with others.

Director Of Philanthropy, FOCUS

She cared about the next person who was right there in front of her. She wanted to invest deeply in that, in that person.
She had a great personality, a lot of fun to be around, but she was more introverted or quiet. But the people who she spent time with, she went really, really deep with them, deeper in friendship.

After a year-long battle with cancer, she passed away in 2015. On November 1, 2022, the diocese of Bismarck, North Dakota opened her cause for canonization.

I intend to formally open the diocesan phase of the investigation, aiming and intending to thoroughly examine Michelle's life—brief as it was.

As the first step on the road to sainthood, she now has the title Servant of God.

Guild Member

And that means that bishop has appointed a postulator. And there are in the process, a couple of theologians who are reading through all of her materials, whether it was video, you know, any teaching any of her writings.

As a college student and someone who understood social media, Michelle's story resonates with young people today. 

Director Of Philanthropy, FOCUS

Young people need to see and hear about Michelle because they need an example of a heroic saint that they can relate to. Like we are in desperate times, where young people today they need examples like Michelle, to see how do you live life in a radical way, in a meaningful way, and love it.

The next phase in the process for the Diocese of Bismarck is to send the results from their investigation to the Vatican. At that point, Michelle would be moved up to the next step and be called Venerable.


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