The synod on synodality is beginning its next phase, in which the presidents of bishops' conferences and Church leaders from each country gather at the continental level to discuss their findings.
The cardinal responsible for summarizing the synod's findings before offering proposals for the Pope said that the synod's next phase will take up each of the topics raised in the local phase without solely focusing on those that have made headlines.
Relator general, Synod of Bishops
It's not a synod about homosexuality. It's not a synod about polygamy.
It's just a faithful expression of what the people of God has said, and it is a synod about synodality, which means it is a synod about the Church, about our way of being the Church, and how this Church should, together, together.
Presenting the opening of the continental phase in Europe, Cardinal Hollerich said that both bishops' conferences and the “people of God” must find new ways of hearing one another, and suggested that they look to religious congregations as inspiration.
Relator general, Synod of Bishops
I think religious people have a very important role in this synod, because most congregations and religious orders live synodality, so it has disappears in the official Church, or has become very small, but in the congregations, in the orders, there is always a place , people have to speak together, decide together.
In Europe, the continental phase of the synod will take place from February 5-12 in Prague. All continents will finish complete this phase of the synod in March and summarize their conversations before opening the universal Church phase in October 2023 at the Vatican.