Pope Francis encourages a daily examination for finding authentic spiritual consolation

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During his General Audience, Pope Francis reflected on how to find authentic spiritual consolation. He referenced St. Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises as a means of guiding criteria. The Pope also encouraged a daily examination of conscience to help people discern what God is calling them to do.


Dear brothers and sisters,

In our continuing catechesis on discernment, we have discussed the experience of spiritual “consolation”, that sense of deep inner joy, a gift of the Holy Spirit, which enables us to sense God’s comforting presence and providential care in all things, even moments of trial and difficulty. Authentic consolation is the fruit of divine grace, drawing us to grow in love of the Lord and our neighbor, to discern God’s will in our lives and to carry out works of spiritual and practical charity.

Saint Ignatius tells us that true prayer bears good fruit at every stage: in its beginning, its middle and its end. It is important to discern the fruits of our prayer and to learn to recognize the hidden temptations that would deceive us into substituting a lesser for a greater good. A great aid to discerning authentic consolation is the daily examination of conscience, which purifies our minds and hearts, and opens them to God’s will for our growth in holiness and in union with him.

I greet the English-speaking pilgrims taking part in today’s Audience, especially those from England, Australia, Vietnam and the United States of America. I pray that each of you, and your families, may experience a blessed Advent in preparation for the coming, at Christmas, of the newborn Jesus, Son of God and Savior of the world. God bless you! 

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