Pope Francis blesses sculpture of homeless person for World Day of the Poor

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After his General Audience, Pope Francis blessed this sculpture. 

It is titled “Sheltering” and depicts a dove placing a blanket on a homeless person. The life-size bronze sculpture is a gift to the Vincentian family, comprised of religious congregations and lay associations inspired by St. Vincent de Paul.

The Superior General of the Vincentian Congregation of the Mission said this is what the Pope told him after the blessing. 

Superior General, Congregation of the Mission
What a nice sculpture, what a beautiful sculpture, you need to continue, continue to work, to serve, and that of course is an extra incentive for us to continue, to continue to try to do our best in serving the poor, the homeless.

Copies of the sculpture will be placed in cities around the world with a QR code allowing people to learn about and donate to the work of the Vincentians to combat homelessness through the Famvin Homeless Alliance. 

Famvin Homeless Alliance
Any of the publicity or donations that might arise from this statue will go to the Famvin Homeless Alliance across the world. We have a plan to provide housing in 160 countries across the world housing 10,000 people over a five-year period.

The sculpture's creator, Timothy Schmalz, says that his work was not created merely to be appreciated as a work of art, but also a call to action.

Creator, “Sheltering”
The contrast between this homeless person and this bird, and the little bird helping this homeless person, is something that I think will touch on people's hearts.

They will have a moment that will perhaps shock them into pausing in their day so they can actually think about the situation of homeless and their responsibility.

The statue was unveiled in St. Peter's Square just days before the Church observes World Day for the Poor, which as its theme for 2022 is “For your sakes Christ became poor.”


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