Following the premiere of the short film on the life of the first pope, St. Peter's Basilica will host four meetings meant to create space for people to rediscover St. Peter.
Archpriest, St. Peter's Basilica
Discovering a little deeper I would say Peter's mystique.
The goal of the Lectio Petri project is to reflect on the “fascinating and complex figure” looking at four aspects of St. Peter: his life and death, his primacy, his role in history and culture, and his influence in art, literature and music.
Archpriest, St. Peter's Basilica
To narrate through St. Peter's eyes the story of Jesus, to narrate the ecclesial story through Peter's eyes because here, I am convinced, that through him we can also better interpret what is asked of us in the Church today.
In addition to being a place for tourism, Cardinal Ravasi believes the Basilica can be a place of encounter between Christians and non-Christians alike—something he sees as evident in the design of St. Peter's Square.
Founder, 'Courtyard of the Gentiles'
When [Bernini] was designing the colonnade, he had made the colonnade precisely as two arms that could embrace, not only Catholics who came from all over the world, but also those who were heretics or from other faiths or views.
Together with the Fratelli Tutti Foundation and the Courtyard of the Gentiles, St. Peter's Basilica wants to use these meetings to explore the most important Gospel passages covering the life of St. Peter.