"Amen sin tilde," a project that gives new life to the homeless

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At nine years old, Javier became a member of the Militia of Santa Maria, where he is able to actively live out his faith. At age twleve, he began volunteering in soup kitchens. Today, Javier is 24 years old and continues to make a difference. 

Creator, 'Amen sin tilde'
We would volunteer in the soup kitchens for two to three hours and then go home. I felt this was not enough. I, personally, was not satisfied because I thought that I was not changing anything.

His dissatisfaction led him to think of a larger project that would help the most disadvantaged in a more direct way. It was then that 'Amen sin tilde' was born: a book that poses questions to the reader to encourage reflection and action. 

Creator, 'Amen sin tilde'
It consists in buying apartments or houses where young people and marginalized people can live together.
Faith has to do with everything, that is to say, on the one hand the strong experience and belief that the people in the street are our brothers and sisters. In the end, that is what drives us to do this.

Thanks to his savings and the proceeds from his book, 'Amen sin tilde', Javier recently became the owner of a small apartment that will house two people at risk of marginalization. 

Creator, 'Amen sin tilde'
I started working different jobs. I was working four jobs at the same time.
We came up with the idea of writing a book with simple experiences and questions for the readers. That same year, we wrote it and in one year we published it. Thanks to that, we have quickly contributed funds for Amen sin tilde.

Javier's passion for helping others took him to the Vatican last year. There, he was able to see Pope Francis along with other volunteers from the Lazarus Association, a French organization that helps homeless people reintegrate back into society. 

Beneficiary, Lazarus Association
My name is Fernando. I'm going on five months in the Lazarus Association. It is more, let's say, more familiar. Being here makes a difference.

For people like Javier, there are no limits. He encourages young people to go out into the world and not be 'young people on the couch', as Pope Francis says.


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