Pope Francis welcomed the General Chapter of the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family in the Apostolic Palace.
The Pope spoke of a life “full of noise” and how easy it is to get distracted by competing voices in the wold. He reminded them that the loudest voice is not always the correct one, encouraging them to be prophets of listening.
This stupefies, stupefies. And do not be afraid of the word—that of going from people shouting to other people shouting—this stupefies man. This stupefies man. It curtails his freedom to the point of making him a slave of those who have the ability to influence those messages through the media, education, public opinion or politics, imposing public opinion or politics, thus imposing their agendas in this way, with arrogrance.
The congregation was founded in Spain in 1885 and is present in 38 countries on 4 continents.