After watching the documentary I Lived on Parker Avenue about the adoption journey of David Scotton, actor and producer Kirk Cameron knew that it could be a powerful movie.
I get a call from a California number and he calls me and says ‘David, its Kirk Cameron. I saw your documentary and this absolutely has to be a full-on movie.’
Lifemark highlights the joys and hardships of adoption, following the story of a young man's life as he meets his biological parents. The new movie incorporates both faith and humor to promote themes of forgiveness, love, and the power of adoption.
People don't know how to talk about it and that's what's so beautiful about 'I Lived on Parker Avenue' and now 'Lifemark' is that it shows what adoption is. It shows that it is a beautiful option. And it shows that adoption can save a life like it saved mine and also build a family like it built mine.
Scotton hopes that this film will inspire audiences and instill a strong appreciation for adoption and life.
Birthmothers are heroes and we need to celebrate them for the heroes they are.
Premiering on September 9th, Lifemark will show for 7 days in theaters across the United States.