After an extensive selection process, the 28 winning universities of the first edition of the Universitate Award were announced.
One of the winning universities was Ukrainian Catholic University, who created the “Me-The Other” experience. It uses theater to help students with disabilities to overcome stereotypes.
The contest is a way of showcasing young people and their efforts in improving the environment.
Uniservitate Award Director
As the Pope asks us, to reach fraternity through education, not just theoretically, but through concrete projects.
There were approximately 200 applications from all over the world for the first edition of the Uniservitate Award.
Director Universitate Award
The role of students in changing the world is impressive. It's often invisible, but it is there. And the creativity and knowledge of young university students can really change lives.
The winning teams will meet in Rome from October 26-30 to take part in the 3rd Uniservitate Global Symposium and share their projects and ideas with other students from around the world.