Jesuits call for "safe access routes" to Europe and denounce border deaths

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The Jesuit Migrant Service says that migrant deaths at European borders are 'the consequence of a dehumanizing migration policy.'

They are not only refering to migrants drowning in the Mediterranean, but all the recent border tragedies, such as the death of almost 40 people trying to cross the border between Morocco and Spain.

The Jesuit Migrant Service argues that Europe has been complicit in Morocco's disportionate use of polic force against migrants. 

Jesuit Migrant Service

Both the European Union and Spain externalize border control with neighboring countries. And in this case, it was Morocco. Morocco exercises a number of police functions to prevent migrants from crossing the border. But they are subcontracted and paid for. And depending on the diplomatic situations and relations between countries... migration becomes a bargaining chip.

Josep Buades explains that most of the migrants who jumped the fence in Melilla were Sudanese. About 92% of people who apply for asylum are successful as the country is experiencing a dangerous armed conflict. 

But not everyone who arrives at the border knows that they can apply for international protection. They are often forced to return to their countries, even if they are minors or are injured—something the Jesuits strongly denounce.

Jesuit Migrant Service
We have already experienced and documented cases of people who are rejected at the border after having fallen from the top of the fence which we have raised to the Holy See and the Council of Europe. These people had occipital cranial fractures, femur fractures, and fractures in their feet or ankles. What we also find is that some who are forced to return are minors.

The Jesuit Migrant Service calls for safe and legal access routes for those trying to obatain international protection, believing that it is the Church's duty to provide assistance. 

Jesuit Migrant Service

As a Church, we have a big question: why don't we give legal and safe access to the border post to ask for protection?But if there are no legal and safe ways to access the border to seek protection, as a society, we are condemning people to risk life and limb to seek asylum .

The death of these migrants at the border between Spain and Morocco shocked the world and moved Pope Francis to ask for worldwide prayers for the victims.



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