Pope Francis at World Meeting of Families: Take the “courageous gamble” on family life

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The tenth World Meeting of Families came to a close in Rome with a Mass in St. Peter's Square celebrated by the prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Life, Cardinal Kevin Farrell. 

After the Gospel reading, Pope Francis delivered the homily and put his script aside to speak directly to the families gathered in St. Peter's Square, urging them to not be overprotective of their children, but to push them towards creating their own family life. 

The gamble on family love is courageous. You must have courage to get married. We see so many young people without the courage to get married. Many times, some mother tells me, “do something, talk to my son who won't get married, he's 37 years old.” But, ma'am, don't iron his shirts, start sending him out a bit, so he may leave the nest.

The Pope also told couples constantly rediscover their love for one another in order to endure the most difficult moments of the relationship together, rather than seeking separation.

In difficult moments of crisis, every family has crises, please, do not take the easy path. “I'm going to mom's.” No. Go forward, with this courageous gamble. There will be difficult moments, hard moments. Go forward, always.

After celebrating the Eucharist, Cardinal Farrell thanked Pope Francis for the efforts he has taken to support families throughout his pontificate, including calling for two synods on the family, issuing the apostolic exhortation on the family, Amoris Laetitia, and publishing the recent document on changes to the matrimonial catechumenate process. 

Families, with their specific vocation to holiness, are truly the most beautiful face of the Church, and can contribute in a unique way to evangelize the world with their ability to give witness love, strength in hard times, and perseverance in trusting surrender to God.

Pope Francis then closed Mass by issuing his mandate to families, calling on older families to be guides to younger ones experiencing difficulties, and to live out their vocation to be the welcoming face of the Church.


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