Rock band's hit single chosen as official anthem of Caritas' new global campaign

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“Il Mio Migliore Difetto,” or the best of all my flaws is a single from the Italian Christian rock band, The Sun. 

The band's lead singer, Francesco Lorenzi, says the song is meant to combat the temptation to stand aside and merely watch the greatest challenges facing the world, such as climate change. 

Lead singer, “The Sun”
“The best of all my flaws” is a song that leads us to reflect on the importance of taking care of one another, to put love into practice, to love each other, but also to love our common home.

The song was also selected as the official anthem for the new global campaign of Caritas Internationalis, “Together We,” aimed to promote integral ecology and sustainability practices in the 46 countries where Caritas is present. 

“The Sun” sees their music as an agent of change, and hopes that their song will move people to action in fighting against climate change.

Lead singer, “The Sun”
For me, music is a great service, a song can touch the conscience, break down walls, build bridges, bring people together, awaken true values, music is a gift of God, and many times I have seen how songs can deeply affect the hearts of people and the hearts of children, and of course this is my greatest wish [for the song].

The band even traveled to Panama in 2019 to perform at the last World Youth Day. They say it was a transformative experience that led them to use their music to create a better world for the youth. 

Lead singer, “The Sun”
Panama was truly a luminous and profound experience that has given us great strength, and that has also shown us a truly exceptional South American, Central American youth, and for us Europeans it has been very very useful, beautiful, awakening, and encouraging to see this young people with such strength, and a special energy.

“The best of all my flaws” is a call for people to look inside themselves, and discover what is stopping them from acting on important social issues. Even more so, it's an important reminder that everyone is capable of standing up for what they believe in. 


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