In his General Audience, Pope Francis explained the role of St. Joseph as Jesus' foster-father. He says that “Joseph’s docility to God’s will and his fatherly care for the child Jesus” is a model for parenthood.
“To be a a mother or father” the Pope says “is not simply a matter of biology; more profoundly, it entails caring for the life of a family.” He continues to say that one of the highest forms of parenthood is to become adoptive parents and welcome orphaned or abandoned children into a family.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In our continuing catechesis on Saint Joseph, we now consider Joseph’s dignity as the foster-father of Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary. As Mary’s husband and Jesus’ legal father, Joseph had all the rights of a father, including that of naming their child.
Yet Joseph had learned from the angel that, in God’s plan, Mary’s Son was to be named Jesus, which means “the Lord saves.” Joseph’s docility to God’s will and his fatherly care for the child Jesus can teach us much about the authentic meaning of parenthood.
To be a mother or father is not simply a matter of biology; more profoundly, it entails caring for the life of a family. In this sense, one of the highest forms of parenthood is to take on the responsibility of becoming adoptive parents, prepared to welcome an orphaned or abandoned child as part of one’s own family.
Let us pray that through Joseph’s intercession, fathers of families will be given the grace to respond to their noble vocation, and that the many children in our world who long for a secure and loving home will find a welcome on the part of good and generous families.
I greet the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors. In the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, may each of you, and your families, cherish the joy of this Christmas season, and so draw near in prayer to the Saviour who has come to dwell among us. May God bless you!