Comedy TV series teaches kids about Christianity

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“Studio 3:16” is a comedy TV series for kids, meant to teach them about Christianity in an engaging way.

-'It seems like every time I hear a new scripture reading, there's something about it I just don't understand.'

Shevin McCullough, a Catholic convert, is an executive writer and music producer for the show. He also plays the lead role, a Christian recording artist who runs Studio 3:16.

Executive Writer and Actor, “Studio 3:16”
“He's misguided. He knows that the Bible is the living word of God. And his goal at the end of each episode is to write and perform a song that illustrates the true meaning of that Gospel. However, he can't write that song until he figures out the truth, the real truth of the Word.”

The target audience is children between ages 7 and 12, but McCullough says the show can be an opportunity for entire families to learn about the faith together. Each episode focuses on the upcoming Sunday's Gospel reading.

Executive Writer and Actor, “Studio 3:16”
“We want it to be entertaining. We want it to be engaging. We want it to be informational. We have biblical scholars on our writing team to help us secure and understand the historical and theological depth and meaning of these passages.”

Their most important mission, explains McCullough, is to provide a secure and entertaining place for children “to encounter Christ in a way that inspires action.”

From January to July 2021, the Cross Boss Media team wrote and produced 18 episodes, which are being released weekly. McCullough says the goal was not to make “a good Christian show, but to make a good show that's Christian.” 

“Studio 3:16” is a fun and informational way for kids and adults alike to learn about their faith. 

The show is available on the Studio 3:16 platform.


RR/Studio 3:16

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