Reflecting on the day's readings, Pope Francis warned of the temptation of distorting the faith for one's own interests.
He used the scribes from the Gospel as an example, because they took advantage of their position for personal gain. They abused their status.
'Here we also see that very bad attitude that we see in many places today: clericalism. This being above the humble, exploiting them, demeaning them, considering oneself perfect. This is the evil of clericalism. This is a warning for all time and for everyone, Church and society: never to take advantage of one's role to crush others.'
After the Sunday Angelus, the Pope expressed concern for war and hunger in Ethiopia.
'I follow with concern the news from the region of the Horn of Africa, particularly from Ethiopia, shaken by a conflict which has lasted for more than a year and which has claimed numerous victims and caused a serious humanitarian crisis. I invite everyone to pray for those peoples who have gone through so much, and I renew my appeal for fraternal harmony and the peaceful path of dialogue to prevail.'
The Pope also prayed for the close to 100 people killed by the explosion in the capital of Sierra Leone caused by the collision of two vehicles. One was a full fuel tanker.