First ever Mass setting in Romani language to be performed in Budapest

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The International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest will host a Mass with music written in Lovari, a language spoken in the Gypsy, or Roma, minority community in Hungary. 

Hungarian violinist György Lakatos was tasked with organizing the first musical performance for a Mass in Lovari after the Bible was originally translated into the language in 2018. 

Music Director, Lovari Mass
'In 2018 the Hungarian cardinal, Mr. Peter Erdő, asked me to create and organize this project, because the Bible was translated into the Lovari language. The Lovari language is a typical gypsy language here.'

During his trip to Romania, Pope Francis met with members of the Roma community and lamented the discrimination they have faced, stating that the Church welcomes all. 

'In the Church of Christ, there is a place for everyone. If it were not like that, it would not be the Church of Christ. The Church is a place of encounter. We need to keep this in mind, not as a pretty slogan, but rather as part of our identity card as Christians.'

Now, the Roma community in Hungary will sing Mass hymns in their own language for the first time. Yet the event is not only for the Roma minority, but to bring all people of different backgrounds together. 

Music Director, Lovari Mass
'This is a huge event, not just for the Gypsy people, but all people in Hungary and also abroad. The Mass, as a matter of fact, is a mix of music and that makes it unique.'

The music will premiere at St. Stephen's Basilica in Budapest on September 1, and the Mass will be held a week later.

On September 12, Pope Francis will travel to Budapest to celebrate the International Eucharistic Congress' closing Mass. 


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