A network of alternative options for women considering abortion

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The Red Madre Foundation was born in the year 2007. Since then, it has served more than 20,000 women. The organization provides information and one-on-one guidance to women considering an abortion.

Spokeswoman, Red Madre Foundation
“Eight in 10 women receive information from us. And those who are presented with other options decide to go through with the pregnancy. We get calls from parishes, schools, maybe a mother who wants to help her daughter or a friend of her daughter.”

Esperanza Puente Moreno is a volunteer and the foundation's spokeswoman. She herself had an abortion 25 years ago. Now she fights so other women don't feel the desolation she felt in that moment.

She explains that the young women who reach out to Red Madre receive information and support. The organization has psychologists, social workers and other professionals who offer guidance at no cost.

When the baby is born, they provide a stroller, a crib and a basket with clothing and other essentials. And they accompany the mother until her child is two years old, or for as long as they deem necessary.

Spokeswoman, Red Madre Foundation
“Life changes you: from fighting for life to facing the trauma of participating in the death of your own child. Life changes you. We often see that the kids of those women, who were so afraid to give birth to them, become their source of strength in life. They are the driving force that helps them accomplish their goals. Some even go back to school to complete their studies.”

The Foundation's members are aware of the challenges of having a child and of the fears some women might face. That's why they encourage pregnant women to seek help, and they try to be there for them every step of the way.

Spokeswoman, Red Madre Foundation
“What we want is to really be heard and supported. But in any case, if in the end the woman decides to get an abortion, we know that she will need us more than ever. And we'll be there then to help her overcome the trauma of getting an abortion.”

In any case, this rarely happens among those who approach Red Madre for help. Because, as Moreno says, when a woman is given the care and attention she needs, she's more likely to embrace life.



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