Salvatorians celebrate the beatification of their founder, Fr. Francis Jordan

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To commemorate the beatification, the Society has restored the main chapel of their General Curia, where the remains of their founder are kept.

The chapel also features these impressive works of Jesuit Father Marko Ivan Rupnik, as well as the tomb of Blessed Francis Jordan—a reminder of the founder's central role in shaping the spirit of the congregation.  

The Society of the Divine Savior is an international religious congregation with about 1,300 priests in 40 countries.

General Consultor & Secretary, Society of the Divine Savior
'In the Philippines the Salvatorians started a beautiful project to take care of children who sort garbage in the big dumps around Manila. They don't have the time or opportunity to go to a normal school, so the Salvatorians started giving them classes at the dumps, and at the end of the class they receive a packet of rice so that they have something to eat.'

The Salvatorians adapt their work to the needs of each country. For 11 years, Father Agustín Van Baelen lived out the spirit of the congregation by helping poor and orphaned children in Venezuela.                                                                                            

General Consultor & Secretary, Society of the Divine Savior
'The project is called 'The Encounter.' We want to take care of these children who have nowhere to go and, with the help of people from the neighborhood, offer them a home where they can grow up, so that tomorrow they can be good people, responsible citizens who can help society better take care of everyone.'

In 2031 the Salvatorians will celebrate 150 years since their founding. They are already planning celebrations while praying for the intercession of their founder, who by then may be declared a saint. 

Daniel Diaz Vizzi

TR: Justin McLellan


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