Young priest in Boston hosts new video series with practical tips for vocational discernment

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“Scivias,” from the Latin phrase, “Scito vias Domini,” meaning “know the ways of the Lord,” is the title of a new video series for Catholics discerning a vocation to religious life.

“God has a plan for you life. And it will satisfy—no—it will even surpass these dreams that He's given you.”

Scivias: Know the Ways of the Lord
“There are plenty of things that talk about what the priesthood is, or what vocation is, or what discernment is, but in terms of the nitty-gritty, of going into the details, and how do I know God’s will for my life, that can be more challenging.”

Fr. Michael was ordained in 2017. He works with the Office of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Boston. He explains that the goal of “Scivias” is to walk people through the process of getting to know God’s will for their lives, starting with fostering a desire to know what that will is.

Scivias: Know the Ways of the Lord
“If we don’t desire it, then we’re not going to do it, and we don’t even want to know, why would He tell us? So first we’ve got to be ready by desiring it. And then secondly, recognizing: ‘Well, maybe I don’t desire it perfectly. Maybe there’s other things that I desire as well or more.’ So being able to sort out these different desires within my heart, to place God as number one so that I’m ready to say yes to him and have the freedom to say yes to Him.”

Though the final portion of the three-part series is primarily focused on the priesthood, anyone looking for answers can benefit from this series and the accompanying guide, which has additional reflections, prayers and scripture readings.

Scivias: Know the Ways of the Lord
“I believe the first two parts of the series will be helpful for any Christian, really, just desiring to grow in their relationship with the Lord: learning how to pray, learning how to come before Him with our hearts. And being able to hear His voice and to say yes, whatever He asks of us.”

“When will God tell you your vocation? When you're ready to hear it.”

Fr. Michael offers advice in 27 five-minute videos, shot in different locations in Boston.


Vocations Boston

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