Pope Francis: Don’t dialogue with the devil nor with temptation

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The nice weather drew a sizable crowd of pilgrims to the Angelus with the pope on Sunday.

Pope Francis reflected on an important topic: the existence of the devil.

We must be aware of the presence of this astute enemy, who seeks our eternal condemnation, our failure, and prepare to defend ourselves against him and to combat him.

Pope Francis was commenting on the scene when Jesus was tempted in the desert. He pointed out that everyone is tempted, and that Jesus shows in the desert that it is better to avoid all dialogue with the devil.

Jesus never entered into dialogue with the devil, never. Either He banishes him from the possessed or He condemns him, or He shows his malice, but never a dialogue.

When the seducer approaches he begins to seduce us: “But think of this, do that….” The temptation is to dialogue with him, as Eve did. Eve said, “But you can’t, because we…”, and entered into dialogue. And if we enter into dialogue with the devil we will be defeated.

The pope also said Jesus always wins the battle against evil.

That’s why he called attention to an important anniversary for the Church.

Today my thoughts go to the Shrine of Plock in Poland, where 90 years ago the Lord Jesus manifested Himself to St. Faustina Kowalska, entrusting a special message of divine mercy to her. Through St. John Paul II this message reached the entire world, and it is none other than the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who died and rose again, and who gives us His Father’s mercy. Let us open our hearts, saying with faith, “Jesus, I trust in You.”

The pope also offered some advice for Lent. He proposed not shying away from moments of prayer in solitude, silence and reflection, in order to be able to listen to what God wants from each of us.

In fact, just a few hours after the Angelus, Pope Francis began his Lenten spiritual exercises, which will continue until Friday. He has completely cleared his schedule until then.

Javier MB

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