Pope's collaborator is now new ambassador of Uruguay to the Vatican

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Uruguayan Guzmán Carriquiry, for several years, was the highest-ranking layman in the Vatican.

For years he worked at the Dicastery for the Laity, and was the vice president of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America.

He worked for five popes in the span of nearly 50 years and retired in April of 2019.

Now he is returning to the Vatican, but as an ambassador from his country.

“...moved, I present my credentials....”

“It's the irony of fate....”

“It's the irony of fate, and also a gift from God's Providence.”

The new ambassador was accompanied by his large family...

“What a big family!”

As the new ambassador, this intellectual and expert on the Church in Latin America will bring Uruguay's interests to the Vatican, and he will help Uruguay strengthen relations with more than 100 countries, given the diversity and richness of the diplomatic body accredited to the Vatican.

Javier Martínez-Brocal

Translation: CT

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