Slovakian president gifts Pope Francis thousands of coronavirus tests

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Zuzana Čaputová, president of Slovakia, had a private meeting with Pope Francis, and she invited him to visit Slovakia.

On social media she says the pope encouraged her to stand for unity and to overcome divisions with tolerance, cooperation and solidarity.

One of the topics they addressed was the pandemic. That's why the president gave the pope 10,000 coronavirus tests administered by Slovakian scientists.

She also gave him a modern representation of Our Lady of Sorrows, patroness of her country.

The pope in turn, gave her this sculpture with the inscription “Be messengers of peace.”

He also gave her documents from his pontificate, including the document on universal human fraternity.

“So there can be unity, union.”

The president met also with the Vatican's secretary for relations with states. They discussed more concrete matters like ecology, education and the collaboration between Church and state in Slovakia.

Javier Martínez-Brocal
Translation: CT

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